Equitable Career Navigator Platform
Equitable career navigator, a service-led but technology-enabled platform based on a Discover, Learn, Launch and Grow stages.
Provides a solution where jobseekers in underserved communities have opportunities to overcome systemic problems and societal barriers to launching careers.
The career navigator provides a streamlined, personalized picture of a career pathway with access to mentors and other networks, skill-based training, and other support services that enable jobseekers to succeed as they navigate the labor market.
Help people achieve their greatest potential and provide lifelong assistance that help people succeed in the workplace and grow their careers.
Service-led and Technology-enabled Platform
A personalized discovery tool provides information on in-demand local jobs, sustainable careers, and the necessary training to get there. Based on your skills, interest, goals, in-demand careers, and labor market. Gain access to mentors and professionals in different career paths and development plans.
Recommended training programs, projects for up-skilling, and re-skilling opportunities focused on your chosen career path or phase. Track in-progress training, and gain asses to tutors, mentors, and study groups to help you succeed.
Tools and guidance to help you better manage the uncertainty and frustration that is part of the search process with recommended actions, curated resources, connections to coaches, profile reviews, showcase accomplishments, and build the network necessary to land the job.
Tools and guidance to help people strengthen their growth mindset, set long-term goals, stay organized, think critically, capture achievements, get recommendations, and continually build their network.
A long-term personal playbook allows people to continually discover, learn, launch and grow.
Build a network of people who will serve as mentors, subject matter experts, connectors, and sponsors for your current job search and career.